Format & Rules
2025 Lancaster Archery Classic Format & Rules
(Red indicates emphasis or new for 2025)
Chapter 1 - Registration
1.1 Early Classic Registration: There are five, 60 Arrow Qualification Shooting Times: Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 12pm and 4:30pm, and Friday, January 24, 2025, at 7:30am, 12pm and 4:30pm. Early Registration Fee of $375 for Open Pro, $275 for Women’s Pro and Masters Pro, $175 for Amateur divisions, and $100 for medal-only divisions prior to January 3, 2025. After 11:59pm EST, January 2, 2025, Registration Fees will be $425 for Open Pro, $325 for Women’s Pro and Masters Pro, $200 for Amateur divisions, and $125 for medal only divisions. All Classic Registrations include a $25 non-refundable Lane Reservation Fee. Registration Deadline is 11:59pm, Wednesday, January 15, 2025.
1.2 Practice: Available on three ranges at the Nook; $15 for weekend access when prepaid, $20 when purchased on site, this fee includes target faces. Practice ranges at the Nook will be Thursday 9am-8pm, Friday and Saturday 6:30am-8pm, and Sunday 6:30am-12pm (Baseball Diamond practice range open until 2:30pm).
1.2a Free off-site practice at Lancaster Archery Supply’s Academy indoor ranges; 2195-A Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster (13-15 min. drive); Academy Main Range access during business hours, additionally free practice range access in the Shooting Center building from 7am until midnight Thursday - Sunday.
1.3 All cancellations prior to 11:59pm EST, Wednesday, January 15, 2025 will receive a refund minus the $25 Lane Reservation Fee. No changes or cancellations will be accepted after 11:59pm EST, Wednesday, January 15, 2025. Cancellations made after 11:59pm EST, Wednesday, January 15, 2025 will forfeit their entire Registration Fee & Lane Reservation Fee without exception.
1.4 Food and drinks are available for purchase at Spooky Nook Sports concession areas.
1.5 Free Door Prizes will be drawn after each end of Qualification Rounds on Thurs/Fri. Total Prize value exceeding $50,000.
1.6 Spooky Nook Sports has over 2000 parking spaces. There is a $10 parking fee per car per day if not a Warehouse Hotel guest.
1.7 Your Registration Packet will be picked up at registration and include event swag; LAS Classic event T-shirts will be available for purchase during online registration, and/or at registration.
1.8 Please review your registration information to ensure all information is correct prior to shooting.
1.9 Please arrive at Spooky Nook Sports and be checked in at registration 30 minutes prior to your line time.
1.10 Questions regarding the LAS Classic Rules and event format can be submitted by email to Classic@lancasterarchery.com.
Chapter 2 - Lancaster Archery Classic Divisions
2.1 Divisions follow NFAA/Vegas Rules & Equipment (Open = Freestyle Unlimited) except Barebow (however, arrow twirling is permitted as long as no arrow touches anyone, is dropped or is distracting to others).
2.2 Barebow follows World Archery rules. Archers in this division shoot either a recurve or longbow. Rest and plunger permitted. String walking is permitted. No clickers, draw checks, or stabilizers are permitted, but riser-mounted weights are permitted so long as the bow with all legal accessories fits through a 12.2cm WA/USAA Judge’s ring. No serving ending or marks are permitted on the bowstring within view at full draw.
2.2a Longbow division will use the World Archery Rule Book 4 Chapter 22.5. Arrow shafts made of wood are a requirement for this division.
2.3 NFAA, USAA, ASA, IBO or any other membership is not required to participate in the LAS Classic.
2.4 Anti-Doping: The Lancaster Archery Classic has implemented an anti-doping policy. All Open Pro and Women’s Open Pro participants may be subject to testing in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code and the World Archery Anti-Doping Rules. Failure to pass the drug test or comply with the Anti-Doping rules shall result in disqualification and forfeiture of any cash prizes. All archers that finish first in the Pro divisions will be subject to testing in accordance with WADA’s World Anti-Doping Code and the World Archery Anti-Doping Rules. All other participants may be chosen at random, except Master’s Open Pro, Masters, Senior, Youth, and Barebow divisions are exempt. For details, visit worldarchery.org/Clean-Sport.
2.5 Archers may only register and shoot once and in a single division.
2.6 Pro Divisions: Open Pro, Women’s Open Pro, Masters Open Pro; Registered NFAA Pros and archers who have competed in a Pro Division [excluding semi-pro] in 2023 or 2024 at any NFAA, ASA or IBO event must register in a Pro Division, all other archers may choose to shoot in either a Pro or Open [Amateur] division, but not both. (Shooting the LAS Classic in a Pro Division doesn’t become binding on any other organization or tournament).
2.6a Any questions regarding the Pro Class eligibility can be submitted to the competition committee.
2.6b Any archers found in violation of the Pro Class Eligibility may be subject to disqualification.
2.7 Amateur $ Divisions: Open, Women’s Open, Masters Open, Women’s Masters Open, Senior Open, Youth Open, Youth Female Open, Bowhunter, Olympic Recurve, Women’s Olympic Recurve, Barebow, Women’s Barebow, Youth Olympic Recurve, Youth Female Olympic Recurve.
2.8 Medal Divisions: New for 2025! Medal divisions will include Women’s Bowhunter, Youth Bowhunter, Master’s Olympic Recurve, and Longbow. These divisions will not have eliminations or shoot-ups and will only shoot a 660 round on either Thursday or Friday.
2.9 Age Defined Divisions: Masters – must be at least 50 years old by Thursday 1/23/25; Senior – must be at least 60 years old by Thursday 1/23/25; Youth – 11-17 years old as of Thursday 1/23/25 (may be younger than 11 years old, if the youth archer has experience in shooting more than 3 tournaments).
2.10 Open Pro, Masters Open Pro, Masters Open, Senior Open, Open, Bowhunter, Olympic Recurve, Masters Olympic Recurve, Barebow, Longbow, Youth Open, Youth Olympic Recurve, & Youth Bowhunter divisions are open to archers of any gender.
2.11 Division eligibility: Archers competing in a division with specific age or gender requirements must adhere to the division parameters set forth by the Lancaster Archery Classic. Lancaster Archery reserves the right to request proof of division eligibility which is constituted as an original issued birth certificate. Archers found to be in violation of the Lancaster Archery Classic Pro Division Policy (2.6) will be required to provide proof of ineligibility. Any infractions regarding division eligibility or violations of the appeal process will result in strict enforcement of the Code of Conduct (3.6). For appeals regarding division eligibility refer to 11.9.
Chapter 3 - Additional Rules
3.1 Each competitor will be required to agree to the Classic Liability & Photo Release, Code of Conduct and Classic Format and Rules upon registration. Each Open Pro and Women’s Open Pro competitor will be required to agree to the Doping Control Waiver.
3.2 The LAS Classic will continue despite inclement weather, unless Spooky Nook Sports Complex closes or other calamities arise from any cause beyond our reasonable control, such as fires, floods, earthquakes, epidemics, wars, governmental actions, civil disturbances, strikes and riots. In the event that Thursday or Friday must be canceled, Qualification Scores will be shot on Saturday and only the top 8 or 4 Shoot-Up archers, depending on the division, will compete on Sunday. If Saturday must be canceled, the top 8 or 4 archers, depending on the division, from Qualification will compete in Shoot-Up on Sunday. If Sunday must be canceled, awards & payouts will be based on any Qualification Scores, Matches, or Shoot-Ups that are completed. No refunds will be given due to circumstances beyond our control.
3.3 Listening devices (headphones, earbuds, or the like) are not permitted to be worn whilst on the shooting line or down range.
3.4 Archers must use a manufacturer produced arrow shaft no larger than size 2712 (10.7 mm, .422” diameter) with the exception of the Barebow and Longbow divisions which follow a max arrow diameter size of 9.3mm. Longbow division must use wooden arrow shafts with feather fletchings. Arrows in the Longbow division may be hand-crafted if the archer chooses, so long as these arrows adhere to all appropriate sizing restrictions.
3.5 No bow racks will be provided; archers must use their own bow stand.
3.6 Code of Conduct – all participants and spectators are expected to follow the Lancaster Archery Classic Code of Conduct. Any person(s) found in violation of the Code of Conduct may receive warnings and/or be disqualified from the event. Discretion of enforcement is applied based on individual circumstances as brought to LAS staff and judges.
3.7 Any competitor found in violation of the Lancaster Archery Classic Code of Conduct or suspended at any level from another National Archery Association may be subject to suspension from the Lancaster Archery Classic.
Chapter 4 - Qualification Rounds/Competition Rounds
4.1 60 arrows from 18m at a 40cm target face w/ inner X's scored as 11's; Maximum possible score of 660.
4.2 Please take note of the following divisions and their corresponding target faces:
Divisions shooting a 40cm 3-spot triangle target face: Open Pro, Women's Open Pro, Master's Open Pro, Open, Women's Open, Master's Open, Women's Master's Open, and Senior Open.
Divisions with a choice between a 40cm 3-spot triangle or a 40cm single spot target face: Bowhunter, Women's Bowhunter, Youth Bowhunter, Youth Open, Youth Female Open, Olympic Recurve, Women's Olympic Recurve, Master’s Olympic Recurve, Youth Recurve, Youth Female Recurve, Barebow, and Longbow.
4.2a Archers are required to replace their target face at the judge’s discretion; target faces may not be altered or repaired.
4.2b Archers are required to replace their target faces after 5 ends of scoring.
4.0 Qualification Rounds (continued)
4.3 Qualification Rounds will have 2 ends of official practice before scoring begins.
4.4 Qualification Rounds will be timed at 2 minutes (120 seconds) for 3 shots.
4.4a Archers will switch shooting order and target placement at the half (10 scoring ends), top targets will move to the bottom and bottom targets will move to the top.
4.4b Archers in CD position will shoot first throughout the qualification rounds. This improvement will provide the best lighting options for all archers (bottom targets always shoot first).
4.5 Procedures regarding arrows shot out of time:
4.5a For archers shooting a single spot target face, a shot released before the start signal or after the stop signal closing an end will result in the archer losing their highest scoring arrow of that end.
4.5b For archers shooting a 3-spot target face, a shot released before the start signal or after the stop signal closing an end will result in the archer losing that arrow of that end (ref. rule 4.7b).
4.5c If an archer shoots more than the designated amount of arrows in an end, they will lose their highest scoring arrows and the lowest three scoring arrows will be recorded.
4.5d Arrows traveling entirely past the 3-meter dead arrow line cannot be re-shot and will be scored as a miss.
4.6 Double scoring will be utilized, with both a tablet and paper scorecard, arrow calls are made by the majority of the group.
4.6a Scorecard must be carefully totaled and signed before being turned in as the final scorecard. Scores for top qualifiers will be rechecked and addition changed if the score is incorrect. Electronic scoring is unofficial.
4.7 Do not touch any arrow or target face until all arrow values have been called and recorded accurately.
4.7a Archer may request a Judge if he/she disagrees with the group call; the Judge’s arrow call is final. Judges will rotate every 5 ends.
4.7b Archer must number (1, 2, 3) each spot on their target; Arrows will be shot and recorded in this order.
4.7c Single Spot targets will be scored in order of lowest scoring arrow to highest for Barebow and Recurve archers.
4.8 Ties are broken first based on score, then on # of 11’s, # of 10’s, then finally with 1st arrow out of highest scoring ring.
4.8a 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th arrows missing the 11 ring will be used to break ties with the archer shooting clean w/ 11’s the longest, wins.
4.9 Witnessed bounce-outs or witnessed physical interference by another archer will be re-shot.
4.10 Archer may miss up to 2 ends during their Qualification Round for equipment failures; arrows will be made up at the judge’s discretion during the same qualification round.
4.11 Archers must use the target pins that are supplied at the targets by Lancaster Archery Supply.
4.12 One archer from any division – amateur or professional - who shoots a perfect qualification score of a 660 will win a special payout of $20,000. If only one archer shoots a 660, that archer wins the prize. If multiple archers post 660 scores, a shoot-off will be held to determine the winner. See rule 5.3 for the 660 shoot-off format.
Chapter 5 - Qualification Results, Cutoffs & Ranking
5.1 Results and ranking for the Qualification Round will be immediately seen on digital scoring, then confirmed and announced after the finish of the Friday 4:30 pm line. Archers will receive an email on Friday evening confirming their target assignment for eliminations Saturday morning.
5.2 Qualification placement cutoffs for Elimination Rounds in each division: Full Top 64 Olympic bracket in Open Pro, Open and Barebow; Top 32 Bracket for Masters Open, Women’s Open, Bowhunter, Youth Open, and Olympic Recurve; Top 16 Bracket for all other divisions - Women’s Open Pro, Master’s Open Pro, Senior Open, Women’s Master’s Open, Youth Female Open, Women’s Olympic Recurve, Women’s Barebow, Youth Recurve & Youth Female Recurve.
5.3In the event of a tie where two or more archers shoot a perfect score of 660 a shoot-off will take place following the last qualification scoring line. Archers will use the same type of target face they used during their qualification rounds. Archers will be given one end of regulation timed practice. A new target face will be hung for each archer in the center of their bail after each end. Archers will shoot two ends for score, the highest total end score after the two ends are complete will determine their ranking. If the tie remains between any archers after the second end of scoring, a closest-to-center single arrow shoot-off between those archers will determine the archers ranking. If more than two archers are involved in the shoot-off, the archers’ ranking will be determined based on how close their arrows are to the center of the chosen target spot. The archer with the arrow closest to center will rank first, the archer with the second closest arrow will rank second, and so on. Any arrows that are measured within one millimeter of each other will be reshot.
Chapter 6 - Elimination Match Format
6.1 Open Pro, Open & Barebow
6.1a Top 64 qualifying scores advance to Eliminations and will shoot a 12 Arrow Olympic Bracket Style Elimination.
(#1 vs #64, #2 vs #63, #17 vs #48, #18 vs #47, etc.)
6.1b 1/32 Elimination Match consists of the top 64 shooting 4 ends of 3 shots (12 arrows); cutting the field to 32 archers.
6.1c 1/16 Elimination Match consists of the top 32 shooting 4 ends of 3 shots (12 arrows); cutting the field to 16 archers.
6.1d 1/8 Elimination Match consists of the top 16 shooting 4 ends of 3 shots (12 arrows); cutting the field to 8 Shoot-Up Finalists that will be re-ranked by total score from Qualification, 1/32, 1/16, and 1/8 Eliminations.
6.1e 8 Finalists will engage in Shoot-Up Matches on the Finals Stage with #8 vs #7, Winner vs #6, Winner vs #5, etc.
6.2 Master’s Open, Youth Open, Women's Open, Bowhunter & Olympic Recurve
6.2a Top 32 qualifying scores advance to Eliminations and will shoot a 12 Arrow Olympic Bracket Style Elimination.
(#1 vs #32, #2 vs #31, #3 vs #30, #4 vs #29, etc.)
6.2b 1/16 Elimination Match consists of the top 32 shooting 4 ends of 3 shots (12 arrows); cutting the field to 16 archers.
6.2c 1/8 Elimination Match consists of the top 16 shooting 4 ends of 3 shots (12 arrows); cutting the field to 8 archers.
6.2d. 1/4 Elimination Match consists of the top 8 shooting 4 ends of 3 shots (12 arrows); cutting the field to 4 Shoot-Up Finalists that will be re-ranked by total score from Qualification, 1/16, 1/8, and 1/4 Eliminations.
6.2e. 4 Finalists will engage in Shoot-Up Matches on the Finals Stage with #4 vs #3, Winner vs #2, Winner vs #1.
Chapter 6 - Elimination Match Format (continued)
6.3 Women's Open Pro, Master’s Open Pro, Women’s Master’s Open, Senior Open, Women’s Olympic Recurve, & Youth Female Open, Women’s Barebow, Youth Recurve & Youth Female Recurve
6.3a Top 16 qualifying scores advance to Eliminations and will shoot a 12 Arrow Olympic Bracket Style Elimination.
(#1 vs #16, #2 vs #15, #3 vs #14, #4 vs #13, etc.)
6.3b 1/8 Elimination Match consists of the top 16 shooting 4 ends of 3 shots (12 arrows); cutting the field to 8 archers.
6.3c 1/4 Elimination Match consists of the top 8 shooting 4 ends of 3 shots (12 arrows); cutting the field to 4 Shoot-Up Finalists that will be re-ranked by total score from Qualification, 1/8 and 1/4 Eliminations.
6.3d4 Shoot-Up Finalists will engage in Shoot-Up Matches on the Finals Stage with #4 vs #3, Winner vs #2, Winner vs #1.
Chapter 7 - Elimination Match Rules
7.1 All Elimination matches will be timed at 2 minutes (120 seconds) for 3 shots.
7.1a Two ends of practice will be given at the beginning of your division’s first elimination match at 8am.
7.1b Archers in CD position will shoot first throughout the elimination rounds when there are 4 archers per bale. This will provide the best lighting options for all archers (bottom targets always shoot first).
7.2 Maximum possible score of 132 (12) 11's; double scoring will be utilized with both a tablet and paper scorecard.
7.2a During a match, if the archer disagrees with the opponent's arrow call, they may appeal to a Judge. A Judge's arrow call is final.
7.3 Ties are broken based first on score, then on highest # of 11’s, and finally with a 1 Arrow Shoot-Off closest to center.
7.4 Procedures regarding arrows shot out of time:
7.4a For archers shooting a single spot target face, a shot released before the start signal or after the stop signal closing an end will result in the archer losing their highest scoring arrow of that end.
7.4b For archers shooting a 3-spot target face, a shot released before the start signal or after the stop signal closing an end will result in the archer losing that arrow of that end (ref. rule 4.7b).
7.4c If an archer shoots more than the designated amount of arrows in an end, they will lose their highest scoring arrows and the lowest three scoring arrows will be recorded.
7.4d Arrows traveling entirely past the 3-meter dead arrow line cannot be re-shot and will be scored as a miss.
7.5 Witnessed bounce-outs or witnessed physical interference by another archer will be re-shot.
7.6 No provision for equipment or physical failure can be given during any Elimination match.
Chapter 8 - Shoot-Up Finals Divisions Format & Ranking
8.1 Open Pro, Open & Barebow
8.1a Top 8 archers ranked 1st through 8th by total score from Qualification and Elimination Matches.
8.1b Ranking ties are decided based on total 11s, then by the archer who shot clean longer during qualification.
8.1c #8 vs #7, Winner vs #6, Winner vs #5, Winner vs #4, Winner vs #3, Winner vs #2, Winner vs #1.
8.2 Women's Open Pro, Women's Open, Masters Open Pro, Masters Open, Women’s Master’s Open, Senior Open, Youth Open, Youth Female Open, Bowhunter, Olympic Recurve, Women’s Olympic Recurve, Women’s Barebow, Youth Recurve & Youth Female Recurve
8.2a Top 4 archers ranked 1st through 4th by total score from Qualification and Elimination Matches.
8.2b Ranking ties are decided based on total 11s, then by the archer who shot clean longer during qualification.
8.2c #4 vs #3, Winner vs #2, Winner vs #1.
8.3Archer’s ranking will move up as Shoot-Up matches are won; archers can only lose one place if their first match is lost.
Chapter 9 - Shoot-Up Final Rules
9.1 All Shoot-Up matches consist of 4 ends of 3 (12) arrows.
9.2 All Shoot-Up arrows are timed at 30 seconds for each shot.
9.3 All matches will feature live video coverage, on stage and video commentary occurring throughout the match.
9.4 Archers will remain on the shooting line during their entire Shoot-Up match.
9.4a Shooting order will proceed as follows: The higher ranked archer will choose their position on the platform at the start of the match; they will also choose to shoot first or second. Beginning with the second end of scoring, the archer currently leading the match will have the choice to shoot first or second. If there is a tied score at any point during the four standard scoring ends, the choice to shoot first or second will go to the last archer who chose the shooting order.
9.5 Practice for on-deck archers is provided in the Finals Practice area until the archer is called onto the Shoot-Up Finals stage for his/her match.
9.6 Shots triggered after the buzzer will not score; arrows traveling beyond the 3-meter dead arrow line cannot be re-shot.
9.7 Witnessed bounce-outs or witnessed physical interference by another archer will be re-shot.
9.8 No provision for equipment or physical failure can be given during any Elimination or Shoot-Up match, archers may have necessary backup equipment with them in the finals area.
9.9 Archers in the Shoot-Up Finals can choose to shoot for the 12-ring; a 1.5cm white dot located at six o’clock below the gold in-between the seven and eight ring on the target face.
9.9a Archers must call the 12-ring before shooting it, otherwise the 12-ring is invalid and the arrow will be scored in the ring that it lays.
Chapter 9 - Shoot-Up Final Rules (continued)
9.9b. Archers can only shoot and call the 12-ring once per end, once the 12-ring is shot the target will be replaced with a new target.
9.9c Maximum possible score of 136 (if a 12 is shot in each end).
9.9d. Unofficial score is first read by spotter/scorer, the Classic Judge’s call is official9.10. All tie scores are broken by 1 Arrow Shoot-Off (2 shots by score, then 3rd shot closest to X/11 ring).
9.10a In all ties the 12-ring is in play for 1st & 2nd arrows, archers must call the 12-ring prior to shooting that arrow, 3rd arrow is scored closest to X/11-ring.
9.11 All archers shooting in the finals must have at least 6 arrows with them to alternate 3 & 3 during finals.
9.12 All archers shooting in the finals are responsible for having an archer’s advocate of their choice, who will approach the target with the judges during the match. The archers advocate will confirm the written scorecard, pull arrows, and hand arrows to the arrow runner.
Chapter 10 - Payouts
10.1 All Cash payouts will be paid in US Dollars (US $) unless noted otherwise;
10.1a We must receive a W-9 or W-8 BEN IRS form if your check is over $600.
10.2 Personalized, Photo-Real, Lighted 3-D Crystal Trophies will be awarded to each 1st Place Champion. LAS Classic Deluxe Medallions in Silver and Bronze will be awarded to 2nd and 3rd Place finishers. Perpetual LAS Classic Silver Pro Bowl Trophies will be awarded to each Pro Division Champion.
10.3 Payouts per placement and division:
Open Pro – 1st $20,000, 2nd $7,500, 3rd $5,000, 4th $2,500, 5th $1,500, 6th $1,250, 7th $1,000, 8th $750, 9th thru 16th $500, 17th-32nd $350
Women's Open Pro & Masters Open Pro – 1st $4,000, 2nd $2,000, 3rd $1,250, 4th $1000, 5th thru 8th $500
Open – 1st $5,000, 2nd $2,500, 3rd $1,650, 4th $1,250, 5th $1,000, 6th $800, 7th $650, 8th $500, 9th-16th $250, 17th thru 32nd $150
Masters Open – 1st $3,000, 2nd $1,500, 3rd $1,000, 4th $500, 5th thru 8th $250, 9th thru 16th $150
Women’s Open, Senior Open, & Bowhunter – 1st $3,000, 2nd $1,500, 3rd $1,000, 4th $500, 5th thru 8th $200, 9th thru 16th $150
Youth Open- 1st $2,000, 2nd $1000, 3rd 600, 4th $350, 5th thru 8th $250, 9th thru 16th $150
Women’s Master’s Open, Youth Female Open, Youth Recurve & Youth Female Recurve – 1st $1,000, 2nd $550, 3rd $350, 4th $250
Olympic Recurve – 1st $8,000, 2nd $4,000, 3rd $2,000, 4th $800, 5th thru 8th $400, 9th thru 16th $250
Women's Olympic Recurve – 1st $4,000, 2nd $2,000, 3rd $1000, 4th $500, 5th thru 8th $250
Barebow – 1st $8,000, 2nd $4,000, 3rd $2,000, 4th $800, 5th $700, 6th $600, 7th $500, 8th $400, 9th thru 16th $250, 17th -32nd $150
Women's Barebow – 1st $3,000, 2nd $1,500, 3rd $1,000, 4th $500, 5th thru 8th $250, 9th thru 16th $150
Chapter 11 - Appeals During and After Competition
11.1 An appeal may be submitted regarding the following: decisions concerning anti-doping rules violations, mistakes made by tournament officials, or violations of Lancaster Classic rules by athletes, coaches, Lancaster Archery Supply Staff, or judges. No appeal will be accepted in protesting against the event itself.
11.2 The following parties have the right to submit an appeal: the athlete or other individual who is the subject of the appealed decision, the other party to the case in which the decision was rendered, the National Anti-Doping Agency of the athlete’s country of residence or countries where the athlete is a national or license holder, or Lancaster Archery Supply.
11.3 A separate appeal must be submitted for each individual infraction being claimed.
11.4 A $100 cash fee per appeal will be required immediately upon submission of said appeal before it will be accepted. No appeal will be accepted without this fee. This fee will be returned in full to the applicant only if the appeal is successfully upheld. For division eligibility appeal fees see 11.9.
11.5 A Jury of Appeal consisting of three members shall be appointed by Lancaster Archery Supply for each Lancaster Archery Classic.
11.6 Appeals may be made solely to the Director of Judges, who shall then pass the appeal along to the Jury of Appeal. The Jury of Appeal will resolve the dispute definitively in accordance with their interpretation of the Lancaster Classic rules. The maximum time limit for a response to the appeal is twenty-one days after receipt of the original appeal.
11.7 Appeals concerning the violation of rules by athletes, coaches, or judges during the qualifier round shall be submitted to the Director of Judges in the time period between the start of the athlete’s official practice to fifteen minutes after the completion of the athlete’s qualification line.
11.8 An intent to appeal when it might affect the progression of an athlete during elimination matches shall be expressed in writing and lodged with the Director of Judges within five minutes of the end of the relevant match, or prior to the start of the next match, whichever is first.
11.9 Protests regarding division eligibility must be accompanied by an appeal form, and be submitted no later than fifteen minutes after the conclusion of the protested archer’s qualification line. The appeal form must be accompanied by compelling proof of ineligibility and a $500 fee. This fee will be returned in full to the applicant only if the appeal is successfully upheld.